Day 6 // The Pure in Heart
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8
In Jesus’ day, the religious leaders taught a righteousness that could be measured externally. It was a matter of obeying rules and looking good on the outside. In fact, according to the Scriptures, their motivation was not to be righteous but to be seen as righteous. But Jesus was concerned with something deeper. Something unseen. He knew the moral facade of the Pharisees would not bring about the joy and blessing we all long for. And it certainly wouldn’t invite the presence and pleasure of God.
Jesus wanted His followers to understand that intimacy with the Father is directly related to inner purity. Not just the absence of sin or an outward display of righteousness, but a heart fully devoted to Him and His way. It wasn’t ever about rituals or religion, but relationship. In the Kingdom, those who pursue purity where no one sees, will see what few see: the Living God! And that’s not just a promise for a future event. It is a reality and privilege that we can experience today.
> Confess areas of your inner life that have not been pure.
> That God would help you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
> That our church would see and experience God in greater ways as we seek to live in purity.