Day 1 // The Poor in Spirit

Jan 8, 2025

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” Matthew 5:3 


Jesus begins the greatest sermon ever preached by telling us how to come to God: by being poor in spirit. This is the posture every follower of Jesus must assume. But what is poverty of spirit? First, here’s what it’s not – a defeated or deflated mindset. It isn’t coming to Jesus feeling worthless. The cross of Jesus shouts about your incredible worth. 

Poverty of spirit simply means coming to Christ empty. In other words, not full of yourself. Jesus is letting us know, it is impossible to get all of Him if we are already too full of ourselves. If we don’t come empty, there’s no room for Him to fill us. The world may tell you “Blessed are the self-made,” or “Blessed are the ones that need no one.” Those are the ones that get ahead. Jesus comes along and says, “No, the blessed life is coming to Me empty.” And when we do that, we immediately get filled with more than we could ever imagine. He promises to give us the fullness of the Kingdom when we come to Him poor in spirit. 


> That your posture before the Lord would be empty and that the Lord would freshly fill you. 

> For our church - that we would decrease in order to see Christ increase. 

> For people in our city to see that the world will never satisfy them. Pray that they would turn to the only ONE that will: Jesus!