Our Vision Is To Spiritually Influence Every County In Arkansas And Plant 100 Churches In North America.

An outreach of The Summit Church to help plant churches and help existing churches across America.

Extended family
Extended Family Churches are Summit Churches planted outside of Central Arkansas in a different geographical region of our state that carry the Summit name as well as the same mission, vision, strategy, and values as The Summit Church in Central Arkansas.

The OneCry podcast exists to accelerate the movement of revival and spiritual awakening. Subscribe, listen, or watch by clicking one of the buttons below.

Bill Elliff is the Founding and National Engage Pastor of The Summit Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas. His passion is to see both genuine revival and methodological renewal in the church—both new wine and new wineskins.
He is a frequent conference speaker, writer, and consultant to churches drawing from his 50+ years of pastoring and revival ministry. Bill is also the Pastor/Church Director for OneCry! A Nationwide Call for Spiritual Awakening and the author of twelve books and booklets and numerous articles.
He is a frequent conference speaker, writer, and consultant to churches drawing from his 50+ years of pastoring and revival ministry. Bill is also the Pastor/Church Director for OneCry! A Nationwide Call for Spiritual Awakening and the author of twelve books and booklets and numerous articles.