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fill out a Staff application here

Open Staff Positions:



The purpose of this position is to give direction, structure, and oversight to the connections process of Summit Conway; and recruit, train, and oversee group leaders. A Bachelor's Degree and 3+ years of pastoral experience in a local church setting is required.

Apply for the Summit Send Church Planting Residency

Open Residency Positions:

(Currently Recruiting 2024-2025 Residents)

Church Planting Resident - starting Fall Semester 2024

Is God calling you to plant a church?
Do you have a passion for a people and a place but don’t know what your next steps are?

  • Our Residency meets from September-May each year.
  • Currently, we meet from 9AM-3PM on Wednesdays for our in-house training.
  • You will also be required to do some outside reading and study.
  • We use the North American Mission Board’s “Multiply” training materials as well as materials developed by The Summit.