Season 1: How to Pray - Episode 10
In this episode we explore the necessity of confession and forgiveness to move us toward reconciliation with God. Greig walks through practicing the Prayer of Examen, which is simply a tool to help us reflect on our day and see where God was at work moving us to become more like Him as we get honest before Him and with others.
Take about 10-15 minutes with pen and paper in hand and do this exercise. It comes from John Ortberg and tweaked in a great way by our very own David Stephens. I have found it very helpful in my prayer times. Pause for a moment and ask God to speak to you, take a breath and then just start writing. Don’t edit what you write. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar. Just write whatever comes into your mind whether good or bad, true or false, positive or negative, just write.
After about 10-15 minutes stop and pray and ask God to show you truth in what you have written. Read Philippians 4:8 and anything that does not fit the categories that Paul says to dwell on, cross it out. Look at the things that are left and see how much of it really resonates with you and sounds like God speaking to you.
· How many negative things showed up in your writing?
· How many lies that you may feel, but just aren’t true of who you are?
· Were there any things repeated or were there any patterns revealed.
· After you crossed out the negative statements, the untrue statements, and the shameful lies, how much was left?
· What truth did God reveal to you about who he is and who you are in light of your relationship with him?