Season 1: How to Pray - Episode 4
For many of us when we do carve out time to pray it generally centers around a need that we have and want to bring before God. In this episode we want to focus in on rejoicing and adoration in prayer. So many times we get caught up in our list of needs we bring before the Father that we never stop to spend time in praise for having a Heavenly Father to whom we can bring these things. Praise and adoration in prayer will be the focus of this episode.
· What are the greatest challenges to praising the Lord well in prayer?
· Why do you think we have a tendency to jump directly into asking and petition?
· How often do thanksgiving (gratefulness for what God has done) and praise (gratefulness for who God is) show up in our prayers.
Set aside a prayer time periodically where all you do is praise God and thank Him for who He is and what He’s done.
- Was it easy or difficult? Why?
- What did you learn in this exercise?
- What did you enjoy the most?
Spend some time walking through Psalm 118 and look at all the ways that the Psalmist praises God.
- For what does He praise the Lord and how does this shape the way we praise?
- What stands out to you most?
- How can we incorporate some of this language in our prayers?