What Does Long-Term Missions Look Like?
Missions at The Summit Church stems from a lifestyle of prayer, worship, following Jesus and teaching others to do the same. Some in our church family are being called to leave their existing culture and comforts to live among the nations long-term (more than one year). It is important to us that those missionaries are equipped with good training and preparation before going. Check below to see the requirements, the application and training process.
Requirements to be sent as a Long-Term missionary from The Summit Church:
1. Follower of Jesus Christ
2. Member of The Summit Church
3. Recommendation from the Global Engage Pastor and/or Send Team
4. Completion of training and preparation requirements
Process to go as a Long-Term Missionary:
1. Complete application (part 1 & 2) and references.
2. Get a background check.
3. Make an appointment with our mission’s staff at kblack@thesummitchurch.org
4. Raise support if necessary
5. Attend pre-field training
6. Interview with the Global Engage Send Committee
7. Go! After seeking the will of God and preparing you are ready to be commissioned by your local church.