Faith That Is Surrendered
God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. Pride manifests in various forms. It could be slander, boasting, or hoarding. Slander dishonors God and disheartens others. In contrast, Godly speech praises God and encourages others. Boasting about our future (short and long-term) by neglecting to ask God’s will is arrogant, foolish, and evil. Hoarding the resources God has placed in our lives is also prideful. We will be judged by God for how we have used what He has entrusted us. The things of this world are wasting away, but they can be invested for eternal purposes in His Kingdom.
By: Pete Lee
Summit Church,
I bless you, in Jesus' name, that you would be strong through the great grace that God gives you.
That you would walk through every season of your life with a heart to please the Father in all things.
I pray that you would be blessed with a unified mind (Phil 2:2) that remembers Jesus Christ and seeks to walk in His ways, not becoming distracted by lesser things. And as you remember Jesus, you would seek to live like him, having the same attitude that He had. For even though He was God, He humbled Himself, becoming obedient even to the point of death (Phil 2:5-11).
I bless your words, that they would be full of life (James 4:11&12) and would point others to the One who gives life. (Psalm 34:1-3).
I bless your thoughts, that they would be pure, and would continually be turned to the Father in worship and praise.
I bless your finances, that they would be seen as a means to worship the Father. May you live out the reality that true treasure is stored in heaven, not on earth (Matt 6:19-21).
I bless your moments, each one, that they would be carefully submitted to the Lord. And may you find yourself ready to receive whatever He might bring your way.
I pray, Summit Church, that you would be blessed with the heart of generosity and humility that is formed only by dwelling daily in the presence of Christ.