Faith That Perseveres

Jun 4, 2023    Connor Erwin

Trials and temptations are both inevitable. God desires to deepen our faith through both. Knowing God is sovereign over our trials helps us grow in His likeness, trust Him for wisdom, depend on Him for provision, and live in His blessings. Understanding the origin of sin helps us to overcome its deception that leads to death. Growing through trials and overcoming sin helps us to experience Him and His salvation and goodness.

Elder Blessing

(Seth Price)

May you count it joy today to walk through testing and trials.

May you grow in steadfastness and endurance that completes your faith,

and leaves you lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)

May you be thankful that these trials make you partners with Christ in his sufferings,

So you may have the wonderful joy of seeing His glory when it is revealed to all the world (1 Peter 4:12)

Be encouraged that as you need wisdom, we serve a generous God

that freely gives without holding our past failures against us.

And as we ask, we don't get advice as the world gives, we get Him.

And He will develop in us something far greater

than the wisdom and wealth of this world. (James 1:5-8)

May you experience life in His abundance as He puts within you

a heavenly wisdom and faith that is surrendered and steady

that resists the temptations of the enemy that come to steal, kill, and destroy you. (John 10:10)

May you not lose heart. Though outwardly, you are wasting away,

inwardly, may you be renewed day by day (2 Cor 4:16)

Shifting your focus from what is seen and fixing your eyes on the unseen

For the things we see now will soon be gone,

but the things we cannot see will last forever. (2 Cor 4:16-18)

And may you be reminded that everything you have, the very breath you breathe,

comes from the Father of lights, of whom there is no shifting shadow. (James 1:17)

All glory to our unchanging God, Who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Amen. (Heb 13:8)