Partnering with parents in developing KIDS who understand the nature of god, their relationship to him + OTHERS , and their purpose in his big story.


Throughout the year we have special events just for kids! If there are no upcoming kid's events, be sure to check out all the events we have going on.

Weekly Kids Gatherings

Worship + small groups

9AM + 10:45 AM
Preschool (Birth - PreK)
Elementary (Kindergarten – 5th Grade)

Your First Visit

You'll be greeted by our Kids Team that will assist with getting your child checked in. We'll gather some basic information about your child and family, enter it into the check-in database, and print nametags and security tags for your family. We’ll help you find your child’s room and help in any way possible to ensure you and your child have a wonderful experience. Our goal is to make your kids as comfortable as possible in a new environment. Kid’s activities will include creative Biblical teaching, energetic worship designed just for kids, and small group learning.

Safety + Check-in

The safety of your child is of utmost importance to us. To ensure that safety, we ask that every child be checked in at one of our Check-In kiosks. Parents will receive two tags per child: your child will wear a nametag, and parents will keep the corresponding security tag for pick-up. When you're ready to pick-up your child, present your matching security tag to your child’s leader.

Parents + Partnering

Our desire at The Summit is to partner with parents in raising godly kids. We realize that kids only spend about 40-60 hours per year on average at church, so our goal is to provide parents with the tools needed to teach their kids about Christ and about making wise decisions in a rapidly changing world.  We provide weekly discussion guides that transfer the Sunday lessons into everyday life, as well as periodical equipping events for parents.

kids ministry leader


We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Daily Bible Reading Plans & Devotions and other Parent resources to help you on the journey.

Parent Resources

Click the RESOURCES button below to view resources to use at home with your kids. If you have any questions, please click the CONTACT US button or one of our pastors on our Summit Kids team in the next section below.