
This is what MOOS is all about. This is a weekend where men join together in discovering the path to their Destiny.
"In the year of our Lord, 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen, and won their freedom."

-Sir William Wallace, Braveheart

"Starving and Outnumbered..."

While we often find it hard to admit, many of us know what that sense of  desperation feels like. Those Scots won their freedom together, brothers-in-arms, warrior poets.


Would you like an opportunity to band together with other men to fight for your freedom...and theirs?


• The courage to lead out of their true identity
• The desire to be known
• Making sense of their tragedies
• Finding purpose
• Guilt and anger

• Trusting others and trusting God
• Isolation
• Loneliness
• Spiritual weariness
• Embracing their unique destiny


Where do I go and what do I do when the demands of life seem overwhelming?

What happened to the innocence I once enjoyed?

Do I have what is needed to handle what is required of me?

Is there something more important I was created to do?
Are you searching for a group of men who can help you find your way into a place of strength, rest, and peace where  you can begin to learn to live in the reality of your own story while discovering God’s destiny for your life?

So what exactly is this?

Men of the Ozarks (MOOS) is an experiential event that is limited to a small group of eight men. Also, there will be eight men who have previously experienced MOOS who are there to serve and pray for you during the week.

This is not a weekend for...

The super-spiritual.

The fearless and tearless.

Those who have done everything “right."

Those focused on rules and principles rather than living in a vital relationship with Jesus and others.


Those who aren’t too proud to admit they don’t have it all together.

Those who aren’t too proud to accept the handout of amazing grace.

Men with some faults, limitations, and liabilities.

Those willing to share some of their own story with other men.

Two significant issues will be addressed:


A close look at the reality of who we really are, revealed through a deeper understanding of our own stories and our strategies of control.


The redemption of our personal stories that God has provided each of us through His Son and a brotherhood of men fighting together to find their destiny in God’s Kingdom.

What will we be doing?

We will view and discuss two, full-length motion pictures. There will be strategic teaching and story-telling as well as time for some outside activities, so, bring fishing and hiking gear if you like. Be sure to bring a Bible, a journal, and camp chair.

How Do I get There?

We will be retreating at Tucker Lodge on Lake DeGray. It is near Amity, Arkansas, and is a 1.5 hour drive from The Summit Church in North Little Rock.

The address is:
1032 Cox Landing Rd.
Amity, Arkansas

Additional directions to Tucker Lodge will be provided if needed.

Hear from other men who have Experienced MOOS.

Click the button below to sign up and pay