Season 1: How to Pray - Episode 12
In this episode, we’re going to step away from Pete Greig’s book for a moment and focus in on praying in community with other believers. Greig does not cover this topic specifically, but it's a very important practice to learn how to pray with other believers. There is so much we can learn from others as they pray, and our prayer lives will be deeply enhanced because of it.
· Find a prayer group to join. Even if you don’t want to pray out loud, join in, listen and learn. There is nothing magical about praying out loud. You can pray just as powerfully in silence.
· Give your fears about praying in a group over to the Lord and maybe even voice them to your group so they can encourage you and intercede for you. Satan has no power when we voice our fears.
· Remember to keep it simple, keep it real, and keep it up. Pray what you got.
Read Acts 12:1-17 and note the effects of the church praying and interceding on Peter’s behalf.
· How does it describe their praying?
· How did God answer their prayers?
· Has God ever answered your prayers in such a way that you couldn’t believe it?
· What does a passage like this reveal to us about our faith in prayer? Do we believe God will hear and answer?