I Am the True Vine
Elder Blessing:
(Seth Price)
May you surrender today and confess to Jesus,
that you can do nothing apart from Him.
May you submit to the Father,
who lovingly cuts away that which is lifeless and dead,
and prunes to cleanse and cultivate new life in you. (John 15:1-5)
When your desire is to take control and work in your own strength,
may you return, abide, and remain connected to the true source of life.
May you receive the love of Jesus and let it dwell in your hearts through faith.
Let it take root and keep you grounded in days of doubt. (Eph 3:17)
May you not fear in seasons of drought and scarcity,
but instead remain resilient and connected to the God of all abundance,
and never cease to bear fruit. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
May your abiding life be marked by trust,
trusting that everything flows from the presence of God.
For He has everything you need and holds all things together. (Col 1:17)
May He fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
(Romans 15:13)
Father, may You receive great glory,
Jesus, may we be found as Your true disciples, (John 15:8)
and Holy Spirit we depend on You to fill us fresh today as we are sent out.