Saturday, November 7 / 10AM - 1PM
Each Summit location is hosting an International Fair in the parking lot that will be full of activities for your kids, international foods to try, crafts, and even food trucks on site for lunch. We are also honored to have representatives from the International Mission Board joining us at each location. You will be able to learn about all the ways you can participate in reaching the nations through the work the IMB does. We'll even have students here from International Friendship Outreach, an organization that connects foreign exchange students with families in Central Arkansas, and you can learn how your family can connect with them and help show the love of Christ to them while they are away from their families.
Sunday, November 8 / 9AM + 10:45AM
During our Sunday morning services both online and on-location, we will hear a word on what God's call is for us concerning taking the gospel to all nations. We will also get a chance to meet and pray for all of our new long-term field workers that will be sent out over this next year as well as hear from some of our current field workers serving overseas.